Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyan
The Ministry of Human Resource Development started an extensive campaign naming `Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyan' with a purpose of actively engaging the youth/ students of Higher Education Institutions to encourage and motivate all to use a digitally enabled cashless economic system for transfer of funds.
For this purpose, NDIM students took the initiative to educate their family members and people in their immediate surroundings and motivate them for digital transactions. Around 250 NDIM students successfully trained 450 users.
Our students Kartik Gupta and Nitika Aggarwal, bagged the Best Volunteer Award across the country for Digital Financial Literacy Campaign - Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyan (VISAKA) organized by Govt. of India, Ministry of HRD. They received this award from Mr. Prakash Javadekar (Minister of Human Resource Development ) and Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad (Minister of Electronics and IT & Minister of Law and Justice ) at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 8th March, 2017. Students were awarded with Akash Tablet and Certificates for their performance.